Monday, 24 April 2017

Poly Ulceration Patient Terminal: Kennedy Terminal Ulcer (KTU)

Ulceration Patient Terminal
The principles of palliative wound and pressure ulcer care should be integrated along the continuum of wound care to address the whole person care needs of older people who often present with chronic debilitating diseases, advanced diseases associated with major organ failure (renal, hepatic, pulmonary or cardiac), profound dementia, complex psychosocial issues, diminished self-care abilities, and challenging wound-related symptoms.

Poly ulcerations injured patients may be reversible; on the contrary, the sudden appearance of multiple PUs in elderly patients may be indicative of the closeness of death.

The skin, like other organs and systems, suffers a physiological deterioration in the last stage of life, therefore increases the risk of PUs with torpid.

Friday, 21 April 2017

The Ilio-Coccygeus Muscle (ICM) Does it have an Enabling Role in Urination?

Ilio-Coccygeus Muscle
An analysis of the literature has allowed for a redefinition of the anatomy of the ilio-coccygeus muscle (ICM) its insertions and its trajectory, the direction of its fibers and its relation to the base of the bladder.

Static MRI studies have revealed its V-shaped appearance, while dynamic MRI has been used to visualize its concave contraction into a dome-shape that provides support to the levator plate, raising the base of the bladder.

Histological studies have shown that the percentage of type I muscle fibers is 66% to 69%, which is comparable to the type I fiber content of the pubovisceral muscle (PVM), thus reflecting both its postural role as well as functions based on frequent voluntary contractions.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Determination of Caffeine in Soft and Energy Drinks Available in Market by using UV/Visible Spectrophotometer

Visible Spectrophotometer
This experiment did to determine the pH, levels of caffeine concentration in five soft drinks and four energy drinks available in local market of Pakistan.

pH were measured by pH meter. Quantitative estimation of caffeine concentration in drinks was performed by a simple and fast standard UV spectrophotometric method (Perkin Elmer lambda 35 UV/Vis spectrometer) using carbon tetrachloride as the extracting solvent at 270 nm wavelengths.

The minimum caffeine level of soft drinks was observed in Brand-3(10.69 mg/serving), while Brand-5 showed the highest caffeine content (42.17 mg/serving) showing a range from 10.6 to 42.17 mg/serving.

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Variables that Effect Psychophysical Parameters and Duration to Stability in Cochlear Implant Mapping

Cochlear Implant Mapping

The process of rehabilitation after cochlear implant surgery involves programming the psychophysical parameters of the implant in a process called mapping.

The audiology appointments involved in the mapping process are large contributors to cost of implant rehabilitation. The map is defined as stable when there is little variation over time.

Once an implant map is stable there is reduced need for intensive rehabilitation and an increase in implant patient satisfaction. A literature search was conducted using the terms “map cochlear implant”, “mapping cochlear implant”, “psychophysical cochlear implant” with a date range from August 1957 to February 2016.

Monday, 17 April 2017

Structured Analysis of Nose to Achieve Natural Results in Rhinoplasty


Rhinoplasty is one of the tenets of plastic surgery that can be considered a perfect marriage of art and science. The importance of proper planning and analysis cannot be overstated.

In our paper, we will aim to offer a structured analysis of the nose, as well as elucidate how to derive an operative plan, in order to achieve the most natural and long lasting results. Our analysis consists of facial analysis, surgeon’s blueprint, patient discussion, final blueprint and operative plan. Patient plays a significant role in planning as they guide the surgeon to what they are realistically looking for and expecting.

It is important that the operative plan be as simple as possible to achieve the goals, and at the same time be flexible. With this algorithmic approach, it is possible to consistently deliver natural results.

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Metals Contents in Black Tea and Evaluation of Potential Human Health Risks to Consumers

Black Tea
Tea is one of the most common beverages in all over the world. Next to water, it is the most consumed beverage. During the last decades, there has been an extensive increase in the level of heavy metals in tea and other foods.

The contamination of tea by heavy metals may pose a serious threat to human due to their toxicity, wide sources, non-biodegradable properties and accumulative behaviors.

The aim of this study was to investigate the copper, iron and lead content of several commercially available brands of tea (Camellia sinensis) in Egypt. Ten of the most widely consumed brands of black tea were purchased from local markets.

Monday, 10 April 2017

Hopeful Care for People Dying with Dementia

psychoactive drugs journals

Palliative care, when understood in its entirety, has hopeful connotations for those with a terminal illness, particularly at the end of their lives. When palliative care was first introduced, it only applied to people with cancer; it now encompasses people living with any incurable illness, including dementia.

Unfortunately, many health professionals, and much of the public, are not aware that dementia is an incurable disease of the brain which will end in death.

Furthermore, it is not generally understood that people dying with dementia have symptoms similar to those dying with cancer. The result of this misunderstanding is that many people die without hope, their basic needs unmet.

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Methodological and Ethical Quality Checklist Assessment in Issues of Annals of Family Medicine Clinical Trials (2010-2013)

Issues of Annals of Family Medicine Clinical Trials

At present, the quality of the publication of Control Trials (CTs) in medicaljournals improved due to the inclusion of the CONSORT (CONsolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) standards and the Declaration of Helsinki.

The aim is to analyse methodological and ethical quality of published CTs in Annals of Family Medicine journal.Material and We use a 133-item checklist divided into 11 sections based on CONSORT and the Declaration of Helsinki. The Confidence Interval of 95% (95% CI) of Clopper-Pearson for κ average is calculated.

We found 35 CTs in a literature review (2010-2013) on March 25, 2014 according to PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis). CT was mentioned in all heading/subheadings; CT controlled parallels in 80%; cluster type 45.7%.

Monday, 3 April 2017

Long-Term Morbidity of Infantile Eczema

Human mankind is aware of the existence of adverse reactions to foods since classical times. Hippocrates (460-370 BC) reported urticaria and gastrointestinal upset following cow's milk (CM) ingestion.
Infantile Eczema

Lucretius (98-55 BC) wrote "Quod aliiscibus estaliis fuatacre venenum". Galen (131- 219) described allergy to goat's milk. At the turn of this century the first description of acute shock due to CM allergy was published, and Schloss was the first to evaluate skin tests for the diagnosis.

Accordingly the aspiration to influence the natural incidence of atopic illness has piqued physicians' imaginations for a long time. The phenotypic expression of IgE-mediated disorders, which appears regulated by multiple genetic factors and modulated by environmental experiences, has been a target for prevention medicine since the 1920s when dietary intervention was adopted in infancy.