Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Do Not Resuscitate: An Argumentative Essay

The primary health care provider goal is to restore patients' health as possible by maximizing benefits and minimizing harm. Accordingly if treatment failed, the harm or burden will be more than benefits. On the other hand, if the competent patient refused treatment; that treatment is no longer justified. Unfortunately, many physicians do not know their patients’ preferences for resuscitation, and many patients have a poor understanding of their own resuscitation order.
General Medicine

Nurses as an essential part of the health care provider have always been beside of dying patients, their roles in providing the maximum quality of care and support for the remaining lifetime for both patients and their loved ones is traditional and expected. The nurse’s loyalty to the patient requires an expertise in the relief of physical, emotional, or spiritual suffering, which means the nurse’s roles in discussions end of life choices with patients is imminent.
Death is defined in Black’s Law Dictionary as an irreversible cessation of the vital functions, signs, circulation, and pulsation. For that if your patient stops breathing or their heart stops beating in the hospital, it is generally felt that the morally best approach is to perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). However, success is not always possible, and not uncommon, this procedure is associated with a high level of morbidity but it's must be ethically justified.

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