Monday, 22 August 2016

Medical Nutrition Therapy delays Dialysis and Improves Biomarkers

There is a high economic burden for kidney disease. Healthy People 2020 has a major goal of reducing new cases of kidney disease and its related complications, disability and early death. The basic function of the kidney is the removal of waste products from the blood while regulating body water and electrolytes. As kidney disease progresses, altered nutrition biomarkers are observed which may be related to poor dietary habits. Patients with kidney disease are often prescribed diets that are low in potassium and provided handouts that focus on limiting fruits and vegetables. Patients become confused and frustrated as this recommendation is at odds with prevention diets such as heart healthy and diabetes diets which emphasize fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Medical Nutrition Therapy
The typical North American diet is high in protein and processed foods which can affect the balance of the body’s electrolytes, minerals and contributes to the uremic environment of the digestive system. Evolving evidence has found a link between the gut and kidney health suggesting a need for emphasis on nutrition for the care of a patient with compromised kidney function.

A poor diet is a major contributor to disease and early death. Nutrition has become a mainstream social issue and the public’s interest in nutrition and wellness has exploded. In response, the Affordable Care Act supports preventative health services and has included access to wellness programs [6] including Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT). The key practitioners of MNT are the registered dietitian (RD) and registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN). 

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